Power Measurement and Distribution PTY LTD - Established 1996

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Water Saving Tips

Water Saving Tips

The recent water crisis in Cape Town, as well as other areas of the country, has forced us all to give more thought as to how we use this resource on a daily basis. 

Coupled with tariff increase in towns and cities across the country, it’s more important than ever to manage water usage effectively in your home or business.

Here are some simple water saving tips to remember.

1. If it’s yellow let it mellow. Collect your shower, bath and basin water and re-use it to flush your toilet when necessary.

2. Take very short stop-start showers. Wet your body, turn off the tap, soap, then rinse quickly. Also, place a bucket under your shower head while you wait for the water to heat up. This water can then be used to either flush your toilet or water the garden.

3. Install a water-saving shower head

4. Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load. The rinse water from some washing machines can be re-used for the next wash cycle.

5. Use a cup instead of running taps in the bathroom or kitchen when brushing teeth, shaving, drinking, etc.

6. Defrost foods in the fridge or naturally, rather than placing them under running water.

7. Place a cover on your swimming pool to prevent evaporation.

If you sub-let a property, we would also recommend installing one of our prepaid water meters. This will help your tenants to manage their own water consumption, as they will be responsible for purchasing the tokens via our vending platform. It also means you can recover utility costs directly from them each month, which means you avoid being left in hot water as a result of an unexpected bill.

Other features of the meter include the ability to set daily or monthly limits on water usage and a system designed to detect possible leaks.

To find out more about our prepaid water meters, please call 086 107 6937 or email info@powermeasurement.co.za.

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