Power Measurement and Distribution PTY LTD - Established 1996

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Where Can Tenants Purchase Tokens For A Prepaid Electricity Meter

Where Can Tenants Purchase Tokens For A Prepaid Electricity Meter

As a landlord, installing a Prepaid Electricity Meter in a property can help to simplify the utility management process for both you and your tenant. 

The purpose of a Prepaid Electricity Meter is to give the tenant responsibility for managing their own utility usage. All of the meters we supply are easy to top-up. Tenants can purchase electricity tokens via the following channels.

1. Online

The quickest and easiest way to purchase prepaid electricity tokens. Tenants can purchase tokens 24/7 via the online portal on this site.  Select the ‘Buy Now’ option and follow the easy steps. All they need is access to an online banking facility. This option also enables the user to track their purchase history and monitor usage.

2. In Person

Tokens are also available at thousands of retailers countrywide. The tenant simply needs to provide the meter number to the cashier and the amount they wish to purchase. They will then receive a receipt showing the 20 digit pin number that can be entered into the meter to complete the recharging process.

3. ATM

If your tenant(s) banks with FNB, they can purchase tokens via an ATM as well.

For any queries relating to recharging a prepaid meter, call 086 107 6937. 


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